I would like to see the risk "tag" show up on the printed process.
Also, I would like the risk tag to show the title of the risk, not just the reference, and not the risk portfolio This allows us to highlight a health and safety risk in a process...
Make Risk Manager sign off of process changes optional
Having risk manager sign off on process changes and having it be automatically the first approval that occurs does not allow for flexibility of workflows and roles within an organization. Ideally, the risk module configuration would have a toggle ...
Create an Import Option for Treatment/Controls in Risk Management
It would be useful to have the option to import Treatment/Controls (if only for Statements, rather than Process Treatment/Controls). This should include having to add the Risk Reference (with the option to add multiple References separated by ";")...
I administer the Promapp Risks Module. Risk in the module can only be assigned to a person (name) not to a role. This means there is a lot of manual handling when someone leaves. Treatments can be assigned to a role – which works better because yo...
Control Effectiveness to remain active (optionally)
When the Manual Residual scoring scheme is used in Risk, the Control Effectiveness field becomes inactive (as it is not used to calculate the residual score) and does not appear against the risk. We would like to have the option to make the field ...
The colour of the residual risk rating box can be set, but the text colour is always white. It is very hard to see this text against a lighter colour background (e.g. our Medium risks are yellow). Would be very helpful to be able to set the text c...
Grant risk viewing rights to all risk and treatment owners
Risk and risk treatments can be assigned to users who don't have access to see the risk or treatment.
Making someone a risk or treatment owner should automatically grant them access to see that risk and it's treatments without requiring access t...
Currently treatment owners sign-off-ee's (1st layer) notified of overdues at the same time as risk owners (2nd layer) & portfolio managers (3rd layer). This creates a lot of spam emails. Enabling an escalation delay, so say 1st layer has 1 mon...
Currently I have to extract risks from Promapp to another system in order to document reviews and gap analysis, If the register and potentially each individual portfolio, could have the ability to enter a list of objectives it would make Promapp f...
Allow effectiveness ratings for individual controls in risk module
It would be useful to allow each individual control or treatment to be rated for effectiveness allowing a better overview for the Risk Manager's residual risk assessment