It would be helpful to include risk status on the Risk register function.
I think having statuses like draft/identified, validated/assessed, closed, rejected will help to capture risks in different stages of its cycle.
Risk Module - Introduce "Inherent" label where lacking to keep consistent
When a user is creating a new risk and when they are reassessing a risk, please add “Inherent” before the words “Likelihood” and “Severity” so it keeps in line with the further below 'Residual Likelihood' and 'Residual Severity'. Hopefully this wi...
We have built PowerBI dashboards for Risks, Processes and Improvements. The reason for the dashboards is quick access to information for business areas so they can improve the management of their Promapp content without the need to go into Promapp...
Ability to default risk dashboard views, based on roles/ responsibilities or workgroups. We would like to be able to set the risk dashboard to view a certain category or classification of risks. This would allow us to set the Strategic risks, over...
When an action is closed, an email is sent with the action closing comment, but the action title does not, so its unclear which action has been closed. can the action title be added into the email please?
Currently when you do a report from the Improvements Module, the PDF Report does not have the ability to show comments, you are only able to view comments in the Excel reporting function. It would be great to have the ability to have comments in t...
Final check on Improvement module form before close
We use the Improvement module to track workflow of incidents/events. Similar to how we are able to required certain form fields at submission and assignment, it would be helpful to designate the required fields that must be not null before closing...
is there anyway that we can add a select button in the summary screen to close numerous incidents at once rather then closing every incident individually
Add 'Referenced Processes' & 'Online Resource/Other" to Training Units CSV report
Each Training Unit references the following information: 1. Referenced Processes2. Online Resource/Other When exporting the list of Training Units it would be useful to include the above information as well.‘Tags’ are already included in this repo...