Training module: Units vs competencies in the onboarding
In the training module the Training units are separate from the competencies. However in the onboarding, they are all lumped in together. It would be good to see this division in the onboarding.
Training module: Display reference numbers and versions of processes
When processes are referenced in the training unit or competency, they do not display current version or the reference number of the process. If this was added, it would allow us to instantly create a training record which shows the version at the...
Scoring scheme - mix of calculated and manual residual
A scoring scheme for the risk register that includes the following five options: · Inherent likelihood· Inherent consequence· Control effectiveness· Residual likelihood· Residual consequence The current manual residual scoring scheme does not have...
Staff have requested to include climate change risks in the Promapp risk register. The issue is that risk scores for these change over time. It would be great if risk scores could be configured to adjust automatically with time triggers.
Ability to default risk dashboard views, based on roles/ responsibilities or workgroups. We would like to be able to set the risk dashboard to view a certain category or classification of risks. This would allow us to set the Strategic risks, over...
When an action is closed, an email is sent with the action closing comment, but the action title does not, so its unclear which action has been closed. can the action title be added into the email please?
Currently when you do a report from the Improvements Module, the PDF Report does not have the ability to show comments, you are only able to view comments in the Excel reporting function. It would be great to have the ability to have comments in t...
Final check on Improvement module form before close
We use the Improvement module to track workflow of incidents/events. Similar to how we are able to required certain form fields at submission and assignment, it would be helpful to designate the required fields that must be not null before closing...