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Add-on modules

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Reassign Supervisors of Training roles without having to schedule new training

Reassign Supervisors of Training roles without having to schedule new training as if you do this then you have to re-upload all evidence or supporting documents. People change roles and supervisors often and it becomes very time consuming reschedu...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Integrated Training Management 1 Open for voting

Ability to Highlight in a process where Training is required to carry out activities in the case of responsibility type roles

It would be useful to highlight through processes in the case of Responsibility Roles , where training is required to carry out certain activities . The value would be to improve oversight of responsibility type roles in terms of process involveme...
Guest 9 months ago in Integrated Training Management / Process Map 1 Open for voting

Training onboarding multiple owners and more oversight

It's very restricting that only one person is marked as the owner of a member's onboarding. It would be very helpful to assign specific training units in the member's onboarding to different individuals. Equally I would find it very helpful to be ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Integrated Training Management 0 Open for voting

Create an Import Option for Treatment/Controls in Risk Management

It would be useful to have the option to import Treatment/Controls (if only for Statements, rather than Process Treatment/Controls). This should include having to add the Risk Reference (with the option to add multiple References separated by ";")...
Guest over 1 year ago in Risk and Compliance Management 0 Open for voting

Print option for Beta Process Model

That we have an option to print it with criteria similar to printing processes - with control statement in footnotes and in pdf colour options.
Guest over 1 year ago in Process Modeling 0 Open for voting

Add "Filter by Team & Location" Option to Onboarding Plans list

It would be useful to be able to filter the list of Onboarding Plans by Team/Location, as is currently available on the Training Units and Competency Units Tabs. This will allow supervisors to see the Onboarding Plans for all of their team regardl...
Guest over 1 year ago in Integrated Training Management 0 Open for voting

Ability to customize the acknowledgement message

The email message sent out when a process/policy needs to be acknowledged is generic to process and rather unofficial. Our legal/compliance team wants to use the acknowledgement function. Since the message is inadequate, they will likely pursue an...
Guest over 1 year ago in Integrated Training Management 0 Open for voting

Element level reporting for Process Models

Users want to be able to generate a report of models with unconfigured or incorrectly configured elements so that they can go back and update the models.
Jonathan Butler 10 months ago in Process Modeling 0 Open for voting

Default Event Owner to blank

Event Ownership is critical to accountability. Currently, an event's owner is defaulted to the Incident Portfolio Manager. We would like the option to configure each portfolio to either default the event owner to the Incident Portfolio Manager, Re...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Improvement Management 1 Open for voting

Delayed escalation for risk managers

Currently treatment owners sign-off-ee's (1st layer) notified of overdues at the same time as risk owners (2nd layer) & portfolio managers (3rd layer). This creates a lot of spam emails. Enabling an escalation delay, so say 1st layer has 1 mon...
Guest over 2 years ago in Risk and Compliance Management 0 Open for voting