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Add Automated/scheduled Reports

Add option to automate sending of various reports such as Process overdue for review or approvals. Allow to outline report groups that receive an automated report to confirm overdue task are not being missed.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Reporting 1 Open for voting

Provide a Group Report that identifies empty Groups

I am finding alot of Groups in our structure that are void of processes. A report showing the Groups structure (groups within groups) and listing the processes, their status (published/unpublished/in progress), version number and the Process Owner...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Dashboard & Notifications / Reporting 2 Open for voting

Report to visualize the RACI matrix for each role

Make it possible to extract a report for each role where its RACI is evidenced.This report would allow us to see for which processes a certain role is responsible, is consulted, is a stakeholder, etc.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Reporting 1 Open for voting

Create a report of suggested processes history, including processes created from suggested processes

Have traceability of how many processes were created from a suggested process, who suggested processes once it has been created, and so on.
Guest over 1 year ago in Reporting 0 Open for voting

Lean Tag reporting to show expert, owner and review date

It would be great to have the option to pull a report on Lean Tags that includes the expert, owner and review date
Guest almost 5 years ago in Reporting 1 Open for voting

Reports to include stakeholder and additional approver box

When printing reports there needs to be an additional tick box that allows the Additional approver/s and Stakeholder/s to be listed in the reporting - this would provide full transperency over who is attached to a process and enable reviewing if t...
Guest about 5 years ago in Reporting 1 Not Planned

Ability to report on wait time for processes.

Currently there is no simple way to produce effective reporting on processing time, wait time and volumes.We are wanting to report on the differences between 2 processes (i.e past process compared with current process). We are wanting to see the d...
Guest over 1 year ago in Reporting 0 Open for voting

System Map to have tick box to Include unpublished processes; and to display process variation suffix.

Just like the Control/Lean Map reports.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Reporting 0 Open for voting

Reformat Generating Chane Log

Update this report so you can select data range before default report starts to generated. This report takes the longest to generate and sometimes you have to wait for it to finish generating for previous day (default) and then change date range t...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Reporting 0 Open for voting

Report on 'non-assed' risks

Risks yet not assessed are not included in any of the available risk reports, which means these risks remain under the radar, and could potentially not be escalated and brought the attention of appropriate decision makers. I would like to be able...
Guest over 5 years ago in Reporting 1 Open for voting