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System Map to have tick box to Include unpublished processes; and to display process variation suffix.

Just like the Control/Lean Map reports.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Reporting 0 Open for voting

Reformat Generating Chane Log

Update this report so you can select data range before default report starts to generated. This report takes the longest to generate and sometimes you have to wait for it to finish generating for previous day (default) and then change date range t...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Reporting 0 Open for voting

Correlate the Out of Date Processes 'donut' number with the linked report

The report generated by clicking 'View Report' on the Total Processes donut (on either the Governance Dashboard or at the bottom of the Promapp homepage) does not reconcile with the number shown on the donut. Promapp have confirmed this is because...
Guest about 4 years ago in Reporting 1 Open for voting

Reports for policies

Governance reports specifically for policies, as opposed to processes, or a way to distinguish policies from processes after downloading the reports to excel.
Guest about 2 years ago in Reporting 0 Open for voting

Add 'include minimode link when exporting' option for all Promapp reports

Some Promapp/Process Manager reports do not have the option to export to Excel and include the minimode link. The link provided in the PDF version only works for Promapp users, it is not the minimode link, and cannot be used by anyone else. We req...
Guest about 2 years ago in Process Sharing / Minimode / Reporting 1 Planned

Report on When Processes were Published, Approved, Declined

From program and user standpoint, it would be excellent to inform or show volume of processes published, approved or declined in a timeframe and to add, by Process Group. I have Process Owners starting to ask what their teams accomplished at my mo...
Guest over 4 years ago in Reporting 1 Open for voting

Add 'Exclude Archive folder' to Unpublished/InProgress Process List report

I routinely run the Unpublished/InProgress Process List report to gauge our improvement in business process mapping health, and to drive process engagement and improvement.Currently, the report includes all processes in Archive folders/sub-folders...
Guest over 2 years ago in Reporting 0 Open for voting

Report for Key Words Identified

I'd like a Report option for Key Words identified per process, similar to the report that identifies Systems. This would provide additional insight for tagging. My understanding is that currently the tags for systems and documents are connected on...
Guest over 2 years ago in Reporting 0 Open for voting

Update 'LastReviewedDate' column descriptor in Reporting API

Currently in the ProcessReviews and ProcessReviewsHistorical tables in the reporting API there is a column titled 'LastReviewedDate'. This column isn't the date of the last review for the process, but instead is the date the actual review was comp...
Guest over 2 years ago in Reporting 0 Open for voting

Champion and Process Group reporting

Reporting functionality to allow us to see an overview of the process groups at a glance (tree/folder style) and a report to let us see our champions against their folders, and to show us where there are gaps or missing champions
Guest over 2 years ago in Reporting 0 Under Review