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Process Review & Approval

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Allow bulk updating of review dates

We are wanting to update the explicit review date frequencies for our processes (500+) and there is no way to do this by bulk, meaning we are going to have go through one by one and make these changes which is absurd. Ideally, we would have liked...
Guest about 5 years ago in Process Review & Approval 3 Open for voting

My Changes>Processes for Publishing: Processes getting double declined; rough Author experience.

We have configured that only our Promasters have a ability to Publish processes. We have a total of 4 Promasters monitoring and publishing or declining. We have had several processes where separate Promasters have declined the same process because...
Guest over 4 years ago in Dashboard & Notifications / Process Review & Approval 1 Open for voting

Process Acknowledgement - wording - "published" rather than "changed" when published by Promaster

As Promaster when publishing processes, process changes to acknowledge states "process has been changed by [promaster name]", it would be preferable to state "process has been published by [promaster name]", I find employees think I am changing th...
Guest over 4 years ago in Process Review & Approval 2 Open for voting

Show approvers in ''Submit for Approval" dialogue

When sending a process for approval, the user can enter a short explanation of what has changed and why. Understanding your audience is key but there is nothing on this screen to show who the approvers are. To identify the approver the user has to...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Process Review & Approval 1 Open for voting

Enable a "Reviewed it" button on the Proces itself instead of only via the "My reviews" page

When a Process Owner or Process Expert is reviewing a process, they have to toggle between two windows: One window to view the process - and make edits as possible The My Reviews Page - to click the "Reviewed It" button This makes it very cumberso...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Process Review & Approval 0 Open for voting

Improve UX when submitting processes for approval

When submitting for approval you click the button in the top right, but at the next step - entering description - the bottom right button saves, but doesn't submit. That button is now on the left. Might smooth the UX if these were switched.
Guest over 2 years ago in Process Review & Approval 1 Open for voting

Publication Declined should revert new process to Unpublished instead of In Progress

A new Process is in PAW (revision 0.xx) and Awaiting Publish. Once declined and back into editing state, it lists as In Progress. Instead, it needs to revert to Unpublished because the process has not been previously published. This inaccurate lab...
Guest over 4 years ago in Process Review & Approval 1 Open for voting

Make Document Approvals Easier / Inline with Process Approvals

Document approval has some usability issues that prevent it from being more widely used, and create admin overhead for Promasters.
Jonathan Butler 11 months ago in Documents / Process Review & Approval 0 Open for voting

Automatic Publish after first version

Posting on behalf of Anthony at Nhshire They would like approval process for first publish and then the option for subsequent publishes to just go through. This is so authors follow the correct guidelines. Once those are guidelines, are met they d...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Process Review & Approval 1 Open for voting

Give Priority Rating to Process

Whilst we can override the review date of processes, it would be beneficial if we could show a priority rating for a process at a glance. We have to use the matrix to work out the prioritisation criteria of a process (low, medium or high) so why n...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Process Review & Approval 0 Open for voting