I've been trying to increase take up of the checklist function but without the ability to csv export or even pdf print it can't be used for our business purposes.
Checklist can sometimes be an important part of a process and as such the actual checklist itself may need to be archived and registered into a Document Management System once completed
For projects and mega processes it would be great to be able to export a full list of the checklist(s) to quickly review comments or documents attached.
Enabling printing and exporting of checklists would be really useful for audit and compliance requirements for certification and accreditation bodies and providing evidence of completion.
The first thought I had when I saw the checklist function was to use it for internal auditing purposes. But I cannot export it/print it/share it/save it in my records. Please add some sort of export function. CSV will be a bare minimum, pdf a big standing ovation!
There are no reporting types that deal with Checklists and it coudl be useful to have a range of reports based on Checklists. For example, look at all completed checklists for one Promapp to see how many have been done in a year. A manager might need to check five particular Promapps and the checklists linked to them and see how many checklists are open and active, or see how many checklist item the team is getting through every month (multiple users, multiple promapps etc). Even checking how many checklists did not meet the timeframes set for them. There are so many options
I've been trying to increase take up of the checklist function but without the ability to csv export or even pdf print it can't be used for our business purposes.
Please add an export function.
Would a csv export be adequate or perhaps a more filterable report from Admin > Reports?
Please add some sort of export function.
CSV will be a bare minimum, pdf a big standing ovation!