Having the ability to create more complex structure for roles
- reporting lines between roles
- group roles under overarching group tags (per state or BU or role type)
- combine roles when assigning to a process
For large organisation, it would be great to enable layered & or grouped approach to roles.
- Having a systems specialist role reporting to a systems manager giving the manager visibility on direct reports processes & or approval
- if a process applies to all HR partners nation wide, having the ability to bulk assign the activity to VIC HR partner, NSW HR partner, QLD HR partner ...
Currently you need numerous roles per individuals to achieve this
e.g. one user can be VIC Promapp users, VIC Systems Specialist, AU Systems Specialists
We would like to be able to set up Role Groups (eg: Desktop Support), and assign multiple roles to that group (eg: Senior Desktop Technician, Lead Desktop Technician, Team Lead Desktop Support, etc). Then we want to assign that Role Group to an activity.
The desired outcome is that a person with the role of "Lead Desktop Technician" would then see this process in the "Processes I'm in" area. It would also make it quicker to assign roles to activities, because we can add one Role Group instead of 6 roles.