Currently it appears that when you update a process title, it doesn't automatically update the title if it is linked inside another process. Sometimes, to update this, you need to delete the process link and re-attach it so that the correct title name shows.
It would be great if the system could automatically update the titles of processes linked within other processes.
Sep 7, 2022
We have been advised of a certain scenario - using process links from unpublished processes - where the linked process title does not update.
This issue has been reported as a defect and will be addressed in an upcoming release.
Have noticed it is very slow to update the name across the system (including in Groups, Process links and the left-hand hierarchy list) as opposed to it not updating. Is there a re-indexing task that only executes on a schedule or according to the quantity being changed?
I can confirm this is a problem. We were guided by support to publish to process to update the titles that were originally linked before their name changed (to do process for example). Process links in a process are not updating when name changes. Process link shows as correct in 'Map' view but not in 'Procedure' and 'Edit' view. Support advised wee could also delete the process links and relink but that doesn't make any sense. This has not been a problem in the past.