Include ability to do text formatting within tasks and notes (text editor)
This request has come up time and time again and pertains to procedure view rather than map view. There are times we'd like to call special attention to viewer to some section(s) and currently it's quite challenging.
We use a lot of Scientific terms and therefore formatting would be amazing. At the moment we work around by attaching a MS Word document. I would absolutely love the ability to format.
The lack of any formatting options when entering tasks or notes is a major flaw in this app. The workarounds are tedious (JAVA scripts, etc...?). What is the problem with adding formatting options such as Bold, Italics, Numbering, Bullets, etc? These features would actually make processes more streamlined and simplified, not the opposite! How come I can do it in this message but not in the app????
I work around this but using MS Word or similar which allows format such as bullet points and then paste in the text. Not ideal but it gives me what I need.
Being able to bold or underlined text would be a start - and looks a lot cleaner and more professional than adding asterisks or typing in all caps as suggested by Nintex above - both of which make it look messy.
I also have staff request this, but agree with Promapp's paradigm. I suggest staff use Word for bullets and copy/paste across, or simply us '-'. If this functionality is added I'd like the option to turn it off if preferred
Being able to bold or underline certain text words in Task area would be a huge help. Often details/instructions. I don't like using caps as to me that's shouting and using asterix's, these just get lost because it is such a small symbol.
I understand Nintex's reason for not including formatting is that process steps are meant to be simple and straight forward, so bolding, underlining etc shouldn't be necessary (this question has been asked in the past here on UserVoice).
A workaround for email addresses specifically is to create them as a weblink, this then makes them very visible and separated out from getting lost in the task text.
To do this, use Weblink and start the URL with mailto: instead of http://
Our Users have been asking if there is a way for text to be displayed in bold or underlined in processes? This is particularly important for email addresses so that they are easily distinguished from the rest of the text.
If you require sub or superscript or scientific figures etc, use the insert symbol in MS Word and copy and then paste into your Promapp process. It works with most of the symbols. I used the symbols under the normal text font.
It would be great to have a rich text editor, just like this one for the task field on the editor. list means that you could have bullet lists Highlight text and even more You could disable functions such as links and videos as you would want them...
over 2 years ago
in General
Open for voting
I did find a solution in the xml file template This will give you a square bullet and a list. You just type your text and put this in-between: ||||▪
I haven’t figured out how to tab it in yet.
Line Break: |~|
line break with a dash for emphasis: |~|-
line break with a bullet and a space between the bullet: |~||~|▪
Click Alt plus 7 on number pad for a bullet
This list works: 1. Sample text.
We use a lot of Scientific terms and therefore formatting would be amazing. At the moment we work around by attaching a MS Word document. I would absolutely love the ability to format.
The lack of any formatting options when entering tasks or notes is a major flaw in this app. The workarounds are tedious (JAVA scripts, etc...?). What is the problem with adding formatting options such as Bold, Italics, Numbering, Bullets, etc? These features would actually make processes more streamlined and simplified, not the opposite! How come I can do it in this message but not in the app????
Disappointing that status of this idea has changed to "unplanned" given that it seems to have quite wide support
A workaround for email addresses specifically is to create them as a weblink, this then makes them very visible and separated out from getting lost in the task text.
To do this, use Weblink and start the URL with mailto: instead of http://