Allow users to scroll through map whilst providing feedback
When providing feedback it would be useful to still be able to select each activity and review it at each you would have the feedback dialogue box open but still be able to click into the activities - so you can provide your feedback on each activity. I tend to open a Word document and type up all my feedback and then open the dialogue box and paste my feedback from Word.
Sep 7, 2022
This idea has been implemented as part of the April 2021 release here: ( )
Apologies if this has already been raised. I always thought it would be useful if you could give feedback against particular activities/tasks in a process as well as the whole process. At the moment I cite the activity number in my feedback if it's specifically against a particular activity - not a huge hardship but can take time when giving lots of feedback! Would also be great if the process map then highlighted the activities/tasks where feedback has been raised (perhaps in the Map view when you click the Feedback tab, it then highlights the activities where feedback has been given).
Allow users to place feedback specific to a particular activity or even the task/note level. So when you click feedback you can either give it for the whole process, or, identify step(s) that you wish to provide specific feedback on.
I agree - I had a user give nine separate items of feedback as she was opening each of the activities on the map and then swapping back to type feedback. She could have viewed the procedure view but as she is a new Promapp user the map (default) view is where she looked. She added 9 separate items of feedback specifying which activity she was referring to each time.
So I note that this has come out in the newest update - see attached...I never hear back from this site, I don't get notifications but I note that this is still open, yet it is being implemented????
In order to keep track of our Continuous Improvement Opportunities (CIOs) it would be useful if you could give feedback against particular activities/tasks in a process as well as the whole process. At the moment I have to train my department to cite the activity number in their feedback particularly if it is against a certain activity. This can lead to a lack of motivation when giving feedback or administrative double-handling from my end. It would be a lot easier to collate all the responses to the feedback to input back into the process if you knew which Activity or Task the feedback is related to from the Change Log rather than the Feedback dialogue box on the right.