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Process Creation & Editing

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Support Rich Text in Process Manager

When working in fields like the Background, Summary, or with Notes (maybe Tasks), Process Manager should support rich text options: Bold Italics Underline Strike through Font size Font color Font selection Bullet list Number list Indent / Outdent ...
Guest about 2 years ago in Process Creation & Editing 0 Planned
177 VOTE

Bulk archive/delete of processes

We create processes during training that serve no purpose after the training session. It can take a long time to search for these and archive/delete them one by one. It would be a lot quicker if this could be done in bulk, by searching for process...
Guest over 4 years ago in Process Creation & Editing 43 Planned

Move draft process to a new group without publishing the process

When you have responsibilities change across a large organisation, the grouping of a process may change. Sometimes a draft process may only be part way through completion. Currently we have to leave the process in the incorrect grouping until it i...
Guest over 1 year ago in Process Creation & Editing 0 Planned