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API reporting capabilities

Reprting API for Nintex Process Manager that uses the OData interface.
Guest almost 6 years ago in General / Reporting 24 Completed

Add historical process views data to the Reporting API

Currently process views information in the reporting API is only returning data from when the API was released and onwards (approx April 2022). However there is process views data in the web reporting that goes back to our first use of Promapp yea...
Guest over 2 years ago in Reporting 0 Completed

Extend Process Manager reporting API to include process tags and process keywords

Providing tags and keywords in the reporting APIs for process data will enable the organisation to search, filter, and group processes more effectively than is currently possible using Process Manager's built-in search capability. Having this data...
Guest about 2 years ago in APIs / Reporting 0 Completed

Top 10 risk reporting

Please review the top 10 risk reporting from the dashboard. The filter currently works on top 10 scores. However, we have 177 risk in our risk register and when filter the top 10 risk, I still get all 177 risks. Potentially the top 10 should be a ...
Guest over 4 years ago in Reporting / Risk and Compliance Management 2 Completed