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Improve glossary functionality to include text in the objective, background and all other fields

Currently, the glossary only tags content within the procedure. If a term or phrase that is in the glossary is entered into the objective of a process, the glossary functionality does not provide the popup and additional information for the term.
Guest about 2 years ago in General 0 Open for voting

Enable multiple types of tags (e.g. Lean AND timeframe) to be shown on the map at once

As we increase in process maturity more users would like to use active/wait timeframes and lean tags. At the moment only one tag can be shown on the map at a time. It would be great if you could select more than one (e.g. active AND wait times, ac...
Guest over 3 years ago in General 1 Open for voting

Singapore Data Center

Most of the government or large commercial customers will not go for Promapp unless we have a data center in Singapore. Does Nintex have any plans of hosting Promapp in Singapore Data Center ?
Guest about 3 years ago in General 1 Open for voting

Ability to alter the brand and colours

Having the ability to alter the colours of Promapp would be a useful feature for organisations to customise it to their own branding. You can currently do this for the emails, which is great. However being able to do it for the general site would ...
Guest over 4 years ago in General 6 Open for voting

Specify the 'Next' and 'Continue' Activity IDs in Process Text Description

For decisions on a Process map it is obvious which Activity the "Yes" and "No" alternatives point to; however in the text description (the 'Procedure') it is less clear, and can be confusing for those users who prefer to read text without referenc...
Guest over 5 years ago in General 3 Open for voting

Disable archived processes from appearing in Onboardings

New onboardings are being given archived processes to view as the archived processes still contain the roles for the tasks. As I don't wish to delete many of the processes permanently, to remove the role requires restoring the process, editing, re...
Guest 7 months ago in General 0 Open for voting

Mass transfer of @TODO's to another user

When you mass transfer process ownership to another user you should also be able to transfer the @TODO's between the same users
Guest over 5 years ago in General 0 Open for voting

Configure Reference no. as required field

Promasters should be able to configure if the 'Reference no.' field is required for publishing the process. This should be a master config setting that can be enabled, and then should also be able to be controlled at the Process Group level (simil...
Jonathan Butler 8 months ago in General 0 Open for voting

Reporting of User Addition/ Deletion

Reporting availability on user addition and deletion by Promasters. [ ref:_00D90q6Cb._5002v2cbjHX:ref ]
Guest about 5 years ago in General / Reporting / User Management 3 Open for voting

Policy links shouldn't display them as "Processes"

When a Policy link is added to a Process (e.g. within a Note in the Process), the link reads "Process" which can be misleading. For example, at CST we have a Policy that describes when funds leaving an account should be processed as a Withdrawal ...
Guest over 5 years ago in General 1 Open for voting