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Add-on modules

Showing 27

Risk scores automatically adjust

Staff have requested to include climate change risks in the Promapp risk register. The issue is that risk scores for these change over time. It would be great if risk scores could be configured to adjust automatically with time triggers.
Guest about 3 years ago in Risk and Compliance Management 1 Not Planned

Risk Module - Additional Scoring Methodology

Current, Risk Score = Likelihood x max{ Severity(1), Severity(2), Severity(3)..} This understates the risk quantum where multiple domains of severity are hit. Please add additional scoring methodology as follows: Score = Likelihood x { Severity(1)...
Guest over 3 years ago in Risk and Compliance Management 2 Not Planned

More filter options for risk reporting

It would be great to have more filters to customise risk reports
Guest over 4 years ago in Reporting / Risk and Compliance Management 0 Not Planned

Add the time automatically on the Improvement module suggestions

The improvement module has the reported date automatically entered, we would like the option of having the time automatically entered as well.
Guest about 5 years ago in Improvement Management 1 Not Planned

Improvements Add On - Incidents allocated based on priority in addition to location

It would be useful if you could not only set who is the approver/closer by location but also if you could do this by the priority rating of the incident. For example high priority could be escalated to the Director of a location instead of the sit...
Guest about 5 years ago in Improvement Management 1 Not Planned

Include Filters on ALL Risk Module Reporting

Currently the Audit History Report does not include any indication of what it refers to when exporting to PDF. As a stand alone document this makes it worthless and I would guess not ISO 9001 compliant? It would be useful if all the filters (espec...
Guest over 5 years ago in Reporting / Risk and Compliance Management 1 Not Planned

Portfolio (Raise Ticket) Notifications Manager

Currently when an Improvement is created from feedback (Raise Ticket Button), all Process stakeholders are added to the Improvement as a 'Viewer'. This means that the email notifications about the improvement go to these users as well. I would li...
Guest over 5 years ago in Improvement Management 0 Not Planned