Control Effectiveness to remain active (optionally)
When the Manual Residual scoring scheme is used in Risk, the Control Effectiveness field becomes inactive (as it is not used to calculate the residual score) and does not appear against the risk. We would like to have the option to make the field ...
The colour of the residual risk rating box can be set, but the text colour is always white. It is very hard to see this text against a lighter colour background (e.g. our Medium risks are yellow). Would be very helpful to be able to set the text c...
Mark as Complete Button on Onboarding & Training Add-On
We're just getting going using the Onboarding & Training add-on, and some of our initial user feedback was that the testers would have liked the "Mark As Complete" button to also appear on the Training Unit page so that once they were done rev...
Enable customers to import multiple external process files into a Process Group to create several new process models (in draft mode) within Process Manager with that Process Group as the "parent".
Many customers today have existing process documentation that is "managed" outside of Nintex Process Manager and is stored as images or PDFs to avoid needing to provide licenses to tools such as Visio or LucidCharts.
Jonathan Butler
11 months ago
in Process Modeling
Open for voting
Allow collaboration experience between IT and LOB that bridges the gap in language, expertise, and expectations to create accurate, effective processes. This is a key differentiator. Comments on Process Models Suggested Edits for Process Models
Jonathan Butler
11 months ago
in Process Modeling
Open for voting
Improve the audit capabilities for Training units by allowing the Training Administrator to view a record of who and when modified any Training Unit information (e.g. content, trainee addition/removal etc.) and what those modifications were. Also ...
Ability to reorder sub location fields in the Improvements Module.
We use the sub location field for project numbers/descriptions. They are sorted numerically by default, however with over 100 projects it would be beneficial to reverse sort the order so the most current project is available at the top of the drop...
We would like to have the reporter of the incident to have the capability to add viewers to the reported incident when submitting the form. Once the ticket is submitted we don't want to have the users with the specific permission to edit the ticke...