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Process Feedback

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Allow PO/PE to respond to feedback by replying to email directly, instead of having to go into Promapp site

Currently the system automatically emails Process Owners and Process Experts when a piece of feedback is received against a process. It would be much easier for the users to respond to feedback if they did not need to open up Promapp and if inste...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Process Feedback 1 Open for voting

Option to roll-up feedback on a process into a single email rather than at each activity point

If I provide feedback on multiple activities, the owner and expert get multiple emails (we had an instance of 20 emails recently). I'd like to be able to select whether to submit as I go, or complete my feedback and then submit a summary.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Dashboard & Notifications / Process Feedback 0 Open for voting

Feedback - Option to confirm status of feedback

One of our users has indicated it would be useful to consider an option where Process Owners / Experts can indicate a status for feedback responses such as Open, Closed or Pending to enable an oversight of status. At the moment there is a reliance...
Guest about 1 year ago in Process Feedback 0 Open for voting

Allow archive or delete of feedback by PO/PE

during development and reviews of processes there is a lot of feedback that gets discussed and resolved that the PO/PE cannot either hide from view after resolution but also can't delete the thread, they have to keep notifying a promaster which to...
Guest over 3 years ago in Process Feedback 1 Open for voting

Feedback Response Required Option or Information Only Required to check one

I continually have to submit a Placeholder feedback for feedback submitted without checking the box "response required" It would be helpful, if another option was added, information only and require one to be checked before they submit. This would...
Guest 6 months ago in Process Feedback 0 Open for voting

Have an 'internal feedback' option between PE/PO

Have an internal feedback option for collaboration and workflow that is not published/available to the rest of Promapp users. This could be used for work in progress processes and collaboration. A user could either leave comments/review notes for ...
Guest about 4 years ago in Process Feedback 1 Planned

Add a column for 'Response Required' indicator to Feedback Detail report

This is an important input from the user leaving the feedback but it is not in the detail report so it does not contain all the related information. To get this, this report and the dedicate 'Response Required' report have to be combined.
Guest about 1 year ago in Process Feedback / Reporting 0 Open for voting

Toggle to show resolved feedback in My Dashboard/My Feedback

When a piece of feedback is marked as resolved, it disappears from the My Dashboard/My Feedback view. This means that Process Owners/Experts need to remember which process the feedback was against to go looking for previously resolved feedback. Su...
Guest about 5 years ago in Dashboard & Notifications / Process Feedback 2 Open for voting

Create a view and feedback only version interface of Promapp

We want Promapp to be the single source for all processes within out organisation. As the majority of our staff are process recipents rather then owners, champions, experts or authors, it would be great if there was a view and feedback only versio...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Process Feedback / Process Sharing / Minimode 2 Open for voting

Allow Feedback on all process elements

It would be useful to be able to provide feedback on all process elements (Title, Objective, Input, Output, etc) rather than leaving general process feedback for these type of items.
Guest about 1 year ago in Process Feedback 0 Open for voting