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Process Feedback

Showing 23

New view for feedback in processes

The new left hand display for feedback still requires further work. Viewing historic feedback was actually better through the previous display. Especially when trying to give auditors a full picture of feedback, response and whether it is resolved...
Guest over 3 years ago in Process Feedback 1 Open for voting

Bring back the "Give Your feedback on your processes" section on the Home Page (with the smiley faces)

Before the new rebrand/new look and feel of Nintex Promapp, on the homepage there was a "Give your feedback on your processes" where users could click on smiley faces to give us positive feedback, suggests improvements, and contact us for help via...
Guest over 3 years ago in Process Feedback 2 Open for voting


Ability to reassign a feedback to another page. Users are commenting on a Policy page instead of the Procedure page. Our Owners/Experts in some teams are finding that they are redirecting the user to the correct page often and it would be easier t...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Process Feedback 1 Open for voting