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User Management

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Use Emails as Unique Identifier

Currently, the username "Logon" is the only unique identifier while user Email is not, which caused emails duplicates. We would like to have user Emails as unique identifier as well to avoid any duplicate issues.
Guest 23 days ago in User Management 0 Open for voting

Increase size limit of PDF files that can be downloaded

Hi We download XML and PDF files of the company's processes on a monthly basis to provide backup copies. There are 3 process groups that need to be backed up, each group is downloaded individually as an XML and PDF version of the processes. Yester...
Guest 21 days ago in User Management 0 Open for voting

Role Archiving

Currently Processes can be archived, but Roles can't. Roles that are only associated with archived processes cannot be deleted so remain available to be allocated to user profiles. Roles that are only associated with archived processes should also...
Guest about 1 month ago in User Management 0 Open for voting

Add user view for promasters

Promasters are usually also users of the product. Our dashboard is cluttered up with notifications about processes we have nothing to do with in our business role. Add a view option so we can work as a standard user and switch to an admin view whe...
Guest about 2 years ago in Navigation, Search & Filtering / User Management 5 Open for voting

Role Description

Add a description when adding Roles. Today it is very difficult to identify if the Role is specific to any department or function. We have to check every association before editing, deleting or merging.
Guest 3 months ago in User Management 0 Open for voting

Include User and Role Data in Reporting API

Please can we include user management data in the reporting API. We'd like to be able to query data available from the admin > users tab, including user counts, user login counts, user last login dates, and roles in the reporting API, rather th...
Guest about 2 years ago in APIs / Reporting / User Management 4 Open for voting

Control which users/roles/privileges can see cost information on processes

Is it possible to make some processes private or restricted so only certain people can view it. Our users are concerned that if they add the financial details to specific roles, especially roles where only one person is employed such as a COO, tho...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Process Creation & Editing / User Management 0 Open for voting

Audit trail for users, and roles

As a Promaster, I want to be able to see when and who created users, and when updates to the users profile was made from within the users section of Process Manager, so that I have a full audit trail of user management that is easy to access. I wo...
Guest 3 months ago in User Management 0 Open for voting

Linking roles to a Team created in Users

When an activity has more than 6 roles attached to it, the only option is to create a team to cover the relevant roles. However, when you have numerous individuals attached to that team, it makes it a administrative burden to constantly monitor an...
Guest 10 months ago in Process Creation & Editing / User Management 0 Open for voting

Ability to create new roles within the Add User function

I often need to add a large number of new users at a time. It is very time consuming, and I don't know if their role exists unless I have a separate screen open to search the roles, and then add new roles if needed.It would be a big time saver if ...
Guest about 4 years ago in User Management 4 Open for voting