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Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp)

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Create a Power BI connector for the Risk module in Promapp

Although the risk reporting in Promapp is reasonable, it would be preferable to connect the underlying data to develop more flexible bespoke reporting within Power BI
Guest about 2 years ago in APIs / Reporting / Risk and Compliance Management 0 Open for voting

Enable deep links into documents.

Where a document has individual sections that relate to different processes it would be very useful to be able to link directly to the relevant material. This would enable a single source of truth to be maintained in one place but give ease of acc...
Guest 5 months ago in Documents 0 Open for voting

Save and resume later when report improvements

can we pls have function of save and resume later at the initial reporting of improvement module?
Guest 5 months ago in Improvement Management 0 Open for voting

Show System tags in activity details when Printing PDF

We had a customer reach out regarding System tags not showing when printing processes. Seems like when the process is in-progress status the System tag wont show in the PDF but it does show on the process map of the printed PDF. The system tags wo...
Guest 9 months ago in Reporting 0 Open for voting

When creating a process, have additional approvers as part of the approval workflow

When creating a new process, even if you have delegated an additional approver to be part of the workflow, they are not 'counted' or brought in until it has been published at least one. As they are noted as part of the workflow, they should review...
Guest about 4 years ago in Process Review & Approval 0 Open for voting

Key search words can be changed without Process Owner/Expert approval

It would be fantastic if we could make Key search words editable without needing to get additional approval from Process Owners and Process Experts, similar to when we change Process Review Dates. We want to be easily be able to update Key Search ...
Guest over 3 years ago in General 2 Open for voting

Enable a bulk update to linked documents

We have recently changed document management systems and all document links are now broken and must be updated manually within each process. An option to bulk update linked documents would help!
Guest about 4 years ago in Documents 2 Open for voting

Document without process associated assign to Group champions for review

when there's a document due to review, if there is no process associated or stakeholder assigned. can it automatically assigned to group champions instead promaster
Guest 5 months ago in Dashboard & Notifications 0 Open for voting

Dashboard my review include document associated group and process

under dashboard "my review" , add a column of document associated group and process. it is very annoying to search every single document separately under "documents" to see which group it belongs to and whether there is a process associated.
Guest 5 months ago in Dashboard & Notifications 0 Open for voting

Allow multiple training supervisors for scheduled trainees

As a Promaster I would like to allow multiple supervisors to be assigned to a trainee so that any number of people in a role or department can sign off a users' training.
Evgenios Efthymiou 9 months ago in Integrated Training Management 0 Open for voting