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Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp)

Showing 151

Provide a word 'replace with' function like Microsoft has

When we re-brand a product name/team name, the name needs to be changed in every single process (mainly notes and tasks). To avoid having to change it in every single process, I would welcome an option like Microsoft has to replace a word with ano...
Guest about 5 years ago in General 5 Not Planned

Remove declined processes from the publish list...

As a publisher. Once Ive declined a process I want it removed from my list...i.e. it should be automatically sent back to "In Progress" status. What Im having to do now is go in and edit and save the process to remove it from the list.
Guest over 5 years ago in  4 Not Planned


Can we have either an attached keyword report or under the Process List report, a column added to include the documented Keywords attached to the Process?
Guest over 5 years ago in  1 Not Planned

Allow Promasters to delete discarded checklists

No description provided
Guest about 5 years ago in  2 Not Planned


The ability to copy and paste/click and drag images into tasks or procedures
Guest over 5 years ago in Documents 0 Not Planned

Embed document view in Promapp

Display documents in embedded window within Promapp instead of opening as separate documents. This would allow users to stay in the process and scroll up and down in the document within the activity/task, without losing their place.
Guest about 5 years ago in Documents 5 Not Planned

Promapp having an inbuilt Snagit tool

It would be great if Promapp had an inbuilt Sangit tool. Snagit is great for caputring and editing images to use in procedures. Haivng one inbuilt into Promapp would save us having to purchase additional software to write procedures.
Guest over 5 years ago in General 0 Not Planned

Documents: force a search of existing Promapp documents before adding a document

Documents: force a search of existing Promapp documents before adding a document There is currently no way (other than rigorous training) to ensure editors check for the existence of a document in Promapp before adding a new document into a proce...
Guest about 5 years ago in Documents 3 Not Planned

Is there a way of adding more document types:

Is there a way of adding more document types:
Guest over 5 years ago in Documents 3 Not Planned

Remove review dates from archived processes so they don't flag

Archived processes are also listed under [Processes due for review] on [My Dashboard] under [My Reviews]. It would be good if the review dates from archived processes were removed as they were being archived or ignored in generating the report s...
Guest over 5 years ago in  1 Not Planned