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Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp)

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Revert Variation to Original > Having an option to copy an SOP variation to the Process Template

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Guest almost 4 years ago in Process Variations 1 Planned

Show what checklists users are assigned to

Would it be possible to show what checklists users are assigned to under their User profile e.g. like we can see which processes and groups they're assigned to under their user profile. This would assist to re-assign checklist tasks for those user...
Guest over 4 years ago in Checklists 1 Planned

Optional sign on needs to provide seamless access for SSO users

When Optional sign on is configured provide seamless access for SSO-based users so that don't see the login screen.
Guest over 5 years ago in  1 Planned

SAML - Attribute Based Assignment possible

We are shifting to AzureAD as our Identity and Access Solution. We have been told your product doesn't support Attribute-Based Assignment. The assignment of users should be able to be completed using with attribute-based functions Example expres...
Guest almost 4 years ago in User Management 2 Planned

API Reporting for Process Variations

Report identifying the number of process-specific variations across all groups. Currently, there is no easy way to understand what processes have specific variations.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Process Variations / Reporting 2 Planned

Named stakeholders don't show in user management

Individuals can be named in a process as stakeholders and approvers. This is helpful but this isn't reflected in the user management screen. We've just discovered that someone who left the company (and had their Promapp account expired) is still ...
Guest almost 5 years ago in User Management 1 Planned

Bulk import Default Location

We are now using the PVM module but need to go through and apply the default location of over 1600 people. We cannot do this in bulk like you can with the Import User Template in which you can apply everyone's viewing permissions can we? Any other...
Guest over 5 years ago in  2 Planned