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User Management

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Ability to search or filter roles under Admin User Management

Due to the size and complexity of the business, we have a large number of roles and responsibilities. We've tried to maintain a naming standard with the business area first then the title to make it easier to find them. However, it still requires ...
Guest over 4 years ago in Navigation, Search & Filtering / User Management 1 Planned

SAML - Attribute Based Assignment possible

We are shifting to AzureAD as our Identity and Access Solution. We have been told your product doesn't support Attribute-Based Assignment. The assignment of users should be able to be completed using with attribute-based functions Example expres...
Guest about 4 years ago in User Management 4 Planned

Named stakeholders don't show in user management

Individuals can be named in a process as stakeholders and approvers. This is helpful but this isn't reflected in the user management screen. We've just discovered that someone who left the company (and had their Promapp account expired) is still ...
Guest about 5 years ago in User Management 1 Planned