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Use tab to navigate to name list for owner and expert

When searching for name in owner and expert lines you can press "tab" to navigate to the list of names that comes up and select with cursor keys and enter, instead of using your mouse.
Guest 2 months ago in Process Creation & Editing 0 Open for voting

Paste list of text into separate tasks

Paste copied list of text into the task entry line in an activity and the separate lines become separate tasks.
Guest 2 months ago in Process Creation & Editing 0 Open for voting

Enable more than one activity in decision matrix

When you have a decision, you can set it to go to next activity, another process or add in another activity completely but it can only be one activity with multiple tasks. Would like to be able to add at least another additional activity. Find we ...
Guest over 4 years ago in General 5 Open for voting

Glossary items show when in edit tab

When editing a process, it would be great that when a glossary item (acronym) is used, it indicates what the glossary item is immediately. This would stop people using an acronym which has already been used and is not the same as what is intended ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Process Creation & Editing 0 Open for voting

Training Waiting List

As a training manager, often we are not in a position to schedule training for all delegates. It would be a great idea to have a 'waiting list' option. This would be for users who need the training, but it is not complete, scheduled, or overdue, b...
Guest 9 months ago in Integrated Training Management 0 Open for voting

Glossary items show in the process summary, background and objectives

Glossary items don't show in the Process summary. This is confusing as the Summary is the first section of the Process/Procedure that you read. If you don't know the company acronyms you cannot work out what they mean unless you read into the proc...
Guest over 1 year ago in Process Map 0 Open for voting

Resend Awaiting Approval Notifications from the Dashboard

We have processes which are currently awaiting approval ranging from a few days old to a few years. We would like a way to re-send/push out awaiting for approval email notifications from the dashboard to prompt users to go into their dashboard and...
Guest about 1 year ago in Dashboard & Notifications 0 Open for voting

User Management - add roles search functionality

It would be very useful in the Manage Users screen when editing a User to add a Role to be able to have a search function for the role. In a large organisation this came be time consuming to currently scroll through the whole list of roles to find...
Guest 7 months ago in User Management 0 Open for voting

Auto generate combined process map

One of the major strength's of Promapp is the ability to connect individual processes to show the bigger picture and create context. To help create this, some of our teams are creating 'overview' processes which are made up of Process Links (no ad...
Guest over 5 years ago in General 1 Open for voting

Disable 'Submit for Approval' while @TODO items are present

There are instances when process editors overlook resolving @TODO items prior to submitting processes for approval. It would be helpful if the system could prevent the submission of processes while there are unresolved @TODO items present. Perhaps...
Guest over 5 years ago in General 5 Open for voting