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Support Rich Text in Process Manager

When working in fields like the Background, Summary, or with Notes (maybe Tasks), Process Manager should support rich text options: Bold Italics Underline Strike through Font size Font color Font selection Bullet list Number list Indent / Outdent ...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Process Creation & Editing 0 Planned
174 VOTE

Bulk archive/delete of processes

We create processes during training that serve no purpose after the training session. It can take a long time to search for these and archive/delete them one by one. It would be a lot quicker if this could be done in bulk, by searching for process...
Guest about 4 years ago in Process Creation & Editing 43 Planned

Add a report to capture process connections/dependencies.

This proposed report would show for each process which other processes are connected to it (linked process, conditional, linked by decision diamond or via notes) Currently you can see this information for an individual process by going to the dep...
Guest over 2 years ago in Reporting 0 Planned

Move Process Models from one group to another

Allow for Process Models to be moved from one Process Group to another, without having to export and re-import the model
Evgenios Efthymiou 4 months ago in Process Modeling 0 Planned

Include process approval data in Reporting API

Right now there is no way to report on process approvals. This is critical for process improvement and tracking.
Jonathan Butler about 2 months ago in APIs / Process Feedback / Reporting 0 Planned

Give everyone VIEWING rights to see a document's properties e.g. Document Type, Associated Processes and Groups and History

When creating a process and want to link a document, you need to first select the document type. Sometimes you don't know the document type as it might not have been uploaded by you, so you're stuck; having to go through all the possible types to ...
Guest 2 months ago in Documents 0 Planned

Bulk delete of documents

It would be great to bulk delete documents. Over time a number of documents have been uploaded and are no longer or were never attached to processes. We would like to be able to bulk delete any unattached processes that have not been viewed in 12 ...
Guest about 4 years ago in Documents 4 Planned

Create Process Model from Process Map

I want to be able to create a BPMN process model from one of our existing Process Manager process maps.
Jonathan Butler over 1 year ago in Process Modeling 0 Planned

Systems in Process Models

Support connecting existing Systems within Process Manager with elements in Process Manager.
Jonathan Butler over 1 year ago in Process Modeling 0 Planned

Restrict access to a minimode once a process has been archived

Please can Minimode advise "Sorry, this has been archived, no longer available' message once a Process has been archived. Currently it allows access to the archived (empty) Process
Guest about 5 years ago in General 3 Planned