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Home page feedback form

Currently the feedback register is located on the page making it time consuming to locate and register an incident. It would be more productive if the feedback form was located on the home page.
Guest over 3 years ago in  1 Completed

Total project time frame that includes the time of linked processes in the overall view

I have created an overview of our Project Management from our Framework document and have created each stage in its own process and link them in the overall view. This give a simple view for executives to follow with links for staff to the process...
Guest almost 4 years ago in  1 Completed

Minimode links -subprocess 'access denied' message improvement

Currently, when a process with subprocesses linked is shared via a minimode the user receives a message stating they don't have the right permissions and they should contact the Promaster. This generates unnecessary traffic as the user needs to ei...
Guest almost 4 years ago in General 1 Completed

While writing the Processes, I realised I should make groups and processes within the groups, now no way is to copy or move these processes

While writing the Processes, I realised I should make groups and processes within the groups, now no way is to copy or move these processes in newly created Groups
Guest about 4 years ago in  2 Completed

Suggest Error message for oversized documents: unsuccessful action in improvements & training module

There is a document size limit of 15MB in training and improvements modules. When users try to upload the oversized doc, there should be an error message about the size of the file rather than, just lack of success to complete the task. We have th...
Guest over 4 years ago in  1 Completed

In addition to "all staff" have additional swimlane roles such as "process owner" or "business analyst" capability

We have generic processes that we would like all persons who are "process owners" and "editors" or permissions of "business analysts" to be automatically assigned to them. In otherwords, we can create those generic processes such as Project manage...
Guest over 4 years ago in General 1 Completed

tell users about this customer feedback site

soooo unless you submit a support request how do promapp users know about this site?? wouldn't it be useful for them to know about it so then they can vote on ideas and be more proactive rather than reactive
Guest almost 5 years ago in  2 Completed

Edit the "Import Rules"

Edit the "Import Rules" listed to note that Process Links, Documents, Decision Links and Conditional links do not come through with the Procedure text import and a place holder is inserted instead.
Guest almost 5 years ago in Documents 2 Completed

Feedback against Activity

Apologies if this has already been raised. I always thought it would be useful if you could give feedback against particular activities/tasks in a process as well as the whole process. At the moment I cite the activity number in my feedback if it'...
Guest about 5 years ago in  0 Completed

Dashboard notification for any published process

Only 'newly published' processes are notified to the Promaster through the dashboard if configured as 'on'. This only shows new processes that are published and not any processes v1.0 etc that have subsequently been published. It would be a grea...
Guest about 5 years ago in  3 Completed