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Reporting - Add 'business area' to user profile

Ability to record a business area with a user as part of their profile so that reporting can be created by business area. At the moment there is no way to work out which business area a user belongs to i.e. if wanting to report on ‘Promapp Activit...
Guest almost 6 years ago in General / Reporting 6 Not Planned

Report on broken links

It would be extremely useful if Promapp could at the very least produce a report on any broken web links in processes (ie. links to intranet or internet that are no longer accurate or available)
Guest over 5 years ago in General 4 Not Planned

Trigger email sent to owner/experts of dependancies/inputs/outputs when a change to the process occurs

When a change is made to a process a trigger email should be sent to any Dependancies/Inputs/Outputs process process owners/experts to see if the change effects their process - this would allow end to end thinking and visibility of changes
Guest over 5 years ago in General 2 Not Planned

changing owner expert automatically publishing

There is currently an issue with the system that violates the whole approvals framework. Whenever someone leaves the organisation or changes role there is no way to bulk transfer a processes still in development to a new resource without the proce...
Guest over 5 years ago in General 7 Not Planned

Individually change the colour of an Activity

Instead of having one global setting for the colour of an activity, allow the user to change the colour of a particular activity without impacting the others.
Guest over 5 years ago in General 2 Not Planned

Show process changes in printed versions of procedures

One of our favourite features in Promapp is the ability to compare versions and see the differences visually. Great for approvals and notifications as it allows people to note the differences without needing the re-read the entire process. Becau...
Guest almost 6 years ago in General 0 Not Planned

Additional Email Capabilities

This will include some that have already been mentioned. Essentially my suggestion is to add additional capabilities for emails in Promapp, please see below: 1. Ability to edit system generated emails (e.g. Process Approval Submitted) - This will ...
Guest over 5 years ago in General 0 Not Planned

Language Translation

Allow a translate function for Promapp and Minimode to ensure all Team members can view the process - Culturally our team member's first language isn't necessarily English and giving these teams the ability to view Processes in their first languag...
Guest over 5 years ago in General 1 Not Planned

Provide a word 'replace with' function like Microsoft has

When we re-brand a product name/team name, the name needs to be changed in every single process (mainly notes and tasks). To avoid having to change it in every single process, I would welcome an option like Microsoft has to replace a word with ano...
Guest over 5 years ago in General 5 Not Planned

Promapp having an inbuilt Snagit tool

It would be great if Promapp had an inbuilt Sangit tool. Snagit is great for caputring and editing images to use in procedures. Haivng one inbuilt into Promapp would save us having to purchase additional software to write procedures.
Guest over 5 years ago in General 0 Not Planned