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Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp)

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Linking roles to a Team created in Users

When an activity has more than 6 roles attached to it, the only option is to create a team to cover the relevant roles. However, when you have numerous individuals attached to that team, it makes it a administrative burden to constantly monitor an...
Guest 7 months ago in Process Creation & Editing / User Management 0 Open for voting

Link to an activity in a process link

Hi, Quite often in a process you want to link into a process, but from other processes you might want to link into a certain activity of that process, not the start. It would be great if you could define the actual activity you wanted the link to ...
Guest about 2 years ago in Navigation, Search & Filtering / Process Map 1 Open for voting

Better system for lean tags

We use lean tags a lot and some of the most frustrating things with this feature are we had to create work around because we didn't want the user experience to be polluted by potential improvement ideas found during the writing process. We hide ou...
Guest over 5 years ago in General 8 Open for voting

Process Review - Reviewed It vs Publishing Changes

Currently for an 'Out of Date' process: If no changes are required, the Process owner/expert will go into their "My Reviews" page, click "Reviewed It" and provide a comment like "No changes required". If changes are required, the Process owner/...
Guest over 5 years ago in  9 Not Planned

Add role cost to user import spread sheet

We utilize the user bulk import template to regularly add new users and their respective roles within Nintex Process Manager. Additionally, we adjust the cost associated with each role. It would greatly enhance efficiency if a column could be inco...
Guest 8 months ago in User Management 0 Open for voting

Font attributes

Ability to change the font, make old, and highlight works to stand out similar to the text box this idea is being written in to have more options with the font to emphasise the text.
Guest about 2 months ago in Process Creation & Editing 0 Open for voting

Report on broken links

It would be extremely useful if Promapp could at the very least produce a report on any broken web links in processes (ie. links to intranet or internet that are no longer accurate or available)
Guest about 5 years ago in General 4 Not Planned

Ability to export/import our system list

It would be very helpful to import/export our system list from Process Manager. When first configuring Process Manager, I would have expected to be able to import a system list from a CSV file or similar to save manually creating this, one system ...
Guest almost 2 years ago in General 1 Open for voting

Configuration for creating dependencies on save vs. publish

Currently dependencies between records, such as roles, documents, tags, or users, are only fully established when a process is published. There should be an admin configuration setting that allows the site's promaster to determine if the dependenc...
Jonathan Butler 3 months ago in Process Creation & Editing 0 Open for voting

Process and Document Review dates configuration more flexible

Review dates should calculate from the date the review is DONE not the day it is due. review dates should be more flexible - if review is done in the middle of the review period why can't we mark it as reviewed and reset the schedule?
Guest over 5 years ago in General 6 Under Review