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Complex structure for roles

Having the ability to create more complex structure for roles - reporting lines between roles - group roles under overarching group tags (per state or BU or role type) - combine roles when assigning to a process For large organisation, it would b...
Guest over 5 years ago in  2 Open for voting

Add a column for 'Response Required' indicator to Feedback Detail report

This is an important input from the user leaving the feedback but it is not in the detail report so it does not contain all the related information. To get this, this report and the dedicate 'Response Required' report have to be combined.
Guest about 1 year ago in Process Feedback / Reporting 0 Open for voting

Process Report - Process Relations (inc RACI fields)

It is time-consuming and painful to check individual processes for assigned stakeholders, Publishers and additional Approvers. It would be great to have a report to provide an overview of the Process list and the Users assigned in these fields wit...
Guest over 1 year ago in Reporting 0 Open for voting

Allow to have documents directly link to a specific process instead of to a process group

It'd be great to have documents directly link to processes so then the documents can be stored within processes without needing to link them to an activity/task.
Guest over 3 years ago in Documents 2 Open for voting

Stop Process Acknowledgements being required for Expert/Owner transfers

If there could be a button to turn off process acknowledgements for owner/expert changes that would be great. Example when a person leaves or changes role a Promaster will usually transfer said persons processes to another user. This causes notifi...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Integrated Training Management 1 Open for voting

Auto-adjust map view (tab) to screen

The process "Map" tab or Process Group "Overview" tab should auto adjust to the size of the screen and to the size of the panels around it. Each time I click on the Map tab, I have to zoom out and resize panels in order to see all the activities o...
Guest about 5 years ago in Process Map 1 Open for voting

Reporting figures on dashboard not a true indication of actual figures

I cant pull a report that provides me with your fugure of 1321 and this is what I expect to get when I click on view report and have processes in this instance prior to Jan. Tags being updated or system log changes are not physical changes to a pr...
Guest over 5 years ago in Reporting 0 Open for voting

Allow bulk updating of review dates

We are wanting to update the explicit review date frequencies for our processes (500+) and there is no way to do this by bulk, meaning we are going to have go through one by one and make these changes which is absurd. Ideally, we would have liked...
Guest about 5 years ago in Process Review & Approval 3 Open for voting

Document without process associated assign to Group champions for review

when there's a document due to review, if there is no process associated or stakeholder assigned. can it automatically assigned to group champions instead promaster
Guest 7 months ago in Dashboard & Notifications 0 Open for voting

Dashboard my review include document associated group and process

under dashboard "my review" , add a column of document associated group and process. it is very annoying to search every single document separately under "documents" to see which group it belongs to and whether there is a process associated.
Guest 7 months ago in Dashboard & Notifications 0 Open for voting