It can be difficult in large organisations to manage Roles so we would like to propose the following improvements to help deal with frequest staff changes:1. have the ability to run a report showing historical role changes (e.g. if we reported on ...
It would be great to enable Business Analysts and Promasters to create, generate, and publish custom reports for promapp processes within promapp. Even better if an API existed to connect to data and generate reports/dashboards in conjunction with...
I am the Administrator of the website and would like to have the possibility of naming a "User Promaster", who would be entitled to have Promaster rights to edit users, without being able to see all the other notifications that a normal Promaster ...
Remove roles/responsiblities through user import functionality
The file upload of users that have changed their role, is adding their new role to their User profile, but is not removing the old roles.
With nearly 9000 users it is a huge administrative task to remove roles manually.
It would be great to be a...
When using the share function from the app use the mini mode link so that the person who is receiving the shared link does not need to login to promapp
Improvement Module Change Log - capture all information
The Improvements Module change log does not seem to capture all changes. In this case an action had been deleted by a user. The change log indicated an action had been deleted but it didn't document what action had been deleted. In this instance, ...
Create config setting to restrict ability to Manage Groups
The ability to create and manage Groups is causing issues with the defined structure regardless of the training that has been provided to editors.Improvement idea:Create a config setting to allow edit ability for Groups to be restricted to Promast...
Reporting functionality to allow us to see an overview of the process groups at a glance (tree/folder style) and a report to let us see our champions against their folders, and to show us where there are gaps or missing champions
over 2 years ago
in Reporting
Under Review