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Model canvas keyboard shortcuts

Support copy/paste, delete, undo/redo, multi-select keyboard shortcuts for Modeling
Jonathan Butler over 1 year ago in Process Modeling 0 Completed

Filtering Process Groups

When creating a Process you have the ability to search groups to locate where you want to build a Process in. When you are move the Process by clicking select group, this function also has the ability to search but when you want to add additional ...
Guest almost 5 years ago in General 1 Completed

Alphabetize Process Groups and Correct Printing Order of Process Maps to be in non-alphabetical order

There is no order to process groups when viewing from the top process view and process groups are unalphabetized. Even when groups are ordered correctly in the Manage Groups area, they do not reflect as such in the main view. Additionally, when th...
Guest over 3 years ago in  1 Completed

Need to be able to remove an image after it has been uploaded to the map view

Promapp allows the user to upload an alternative image to the map but not to delete this image. This seems like basic functionality.
Guest over 3 years ago in  1 Completed

Ability to move processes between process groups in 'Manage Groups'

Introduce the ability to move processes between process groups within 'Manage Groups'. This would provide a better flow when moving through the options.
Guest about 4 years ago in General 2 Completed

Bulk update Role Annual Cost

Implement functionality to bulk initial load and bulk update the Annual Cost ($) assigned to Roles. Currently this is a very manual process where each Role has to be edited individually. When say 1500 roles are involved this becomes very time cons...
Guest over 4 years ago in General 2 Completed

Restore a previous version when the owner has been deleted

It is not possible to restore a previous version when an owner or expert has left the company and they have been deleted from the system. The process has a current owner and expert. I have recently had a need to restore a previous version when I a...
Guest almost 5 years ago in General 1 Completed

Option to not notify of minor changes

Currently all changes, regardless of size/importance, are notified to owners/experts/RACI stakeholders via workflow action or are notified via Tuesday email to role users. However for small changes or maintenance, it would be good to be able to de...
Guest about 5 years ago in  1 Completed

delete variation

We have global variations which cover our different business units and for the most part our processes apply to all the business units, but for some instances the business unit may not perform a specific process and I would like to remove the spec...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Process Variations 1 Completed

Restricting edits rights for Business Analysts

People should only be able to edit processes if they belong to that group. Business Analysts current can see and edit everything but its would be good to be able to restrict this so that only group members can edit
Guest about 3 years ago in General 1 Completed