Ability to move opened document images when in Procedure View
Hi - small enhancement if feasible. From the persona of the Promaster, or reader of a process in Procedure view, it would be great to have ability to move around an image you have opened up in an Activity so that you can see the image and the task...
over 4 years ago
in Documents
Open for voting
Training Module - to allow staff, owners and supervisors to more effectively and in a more timely manner be informed of manage training it would be very beneficial for the module to have email notifications sent at each step in the workflow. Addit...
Would like to see a spell check, if you have a specific word that you want to be spelled (and/or capitalized) a specific way in all processes, that you could preset some of those consistent words/systems that are personalized for your company.
It would be nice when editing processes with a similar term (or system), that you could mass update all processes containing that work or phrase, rather than having to do them individually. We had a big system updgrate and had to manually update h...
Please can we include user management data in the reporting API. We'd like to be able to query data available from the admin > users tab, including user counts, user login counts, user last login dates, and roles in the reporting API, rather th...
Processes for approval - reminder notification to expert/owner
When a process is submitted for approval, the expert / owner are notified by email. If they do not action this request at that time it is often forgotten. I have to email them manually to remind them, it would be good if you could in the 'My Chang...
Currently you can only have 1 expert and owner. You should be able to have at least 2 experts, as some processes are cross functional so it's useful to know who to ask. Additionally you should be able to have a 'department' or group as the owner a...
We have the ability in My Dashboard > My Reviews to view published processes which are due for review, but there is no similar function to view processes that have been saved, but forgotten to publish. Requesting please for an 'unpublished proc...
Currently, when staff need to link an EDM file/container to a Promapp, we have a workaround. Can we please look to add a dropdown that says EDMS file? This will make it simple for staff to attach files/containers.
When using a decision diamond the process ends in two different places, which each have a distinct output. Unfortunately when entering an output there is no way to define which part of the process produces that specific output. The map shows both ...
almost 5 years ago
in Process Map
Open for voting