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Have function to add feedback to an activity/task within the activity/task

Once feedback has been given on an activity/task, the activity/task can't be moved within the process because the feedback is then no longer relevant to the activity/task because of the numbering. Have feedback available from within the activity/t...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Process Feedback 0 Open for voting

Work Instructions to open in browser rather than download every time

Instead of downloading work instructions every time you need to refer to them, open them up in a browser tab like SharePoint does. Prevents cluttering your downloads folder! When you access a work instruction, usually you only want to view it, not...
Guest over 5 years ago in  1 Open for voting

Report on 'non-assed' risks

Risks yet not assessed are not included in any of the available risk reports, which means these risks remain under the radar, and could potentially not be escalated and brought the attention of appropriate decision makers. I would like to be able...
Guest over 5 years ago in Reporting 1 Open for voting

Change welcome email text

Hello - I would love it if there was a way to change the text in the welcome email from Nintex Promapp when we assign licences to staff. At the moment, I have to send a second email to each person.
Guest over 5 years ago in General 1 Open for voting

Allowing upload of images and videos but not other documents like Word, PDF or Excel

Our company has its Document management system and we do not want users to save it somewhere else. However for Process and Procedures, it is useful if videos or images can be uploaded against the Activity or Task. Currently, Promapp only allows up...
Guest over 3 years ago in Documents 2 Open for voting

Copy Triggers/Inputs and Outputs when creating Variations

When Variations are currently created, there is no option to copy across the Triggers/Inputs and Outputs - these have to be added manually for each new Variation (even if the triggers are the same as the original process). It would be really usefu...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Process Variations 0 Open for voting

Index Creation for ISO Standard Audit

Is it not possible that Promapp creates a complete index, necessary for ISO audits.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Navigation, Search & Filtering 2 Open for voting

NC Format

Organization Pro master should have rights to modify the NC format according to their requirement.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Improvement Management 1 Open for voting

Formatting of the headings for Summary and Procedures has been removed since the last update. Request to have it replaced

Since the last update the background color for the Summary and Procedures has been removed and now shows as white. This makes it harder to quickly read the procedure in PDF format. It would be good to have the ability to choose a theme for backgro...
Guest over 3 years ago in Documents 1 Open for voting

Make Systems Easy to Remove

To remove a system from Promapp, first you must remove system tags by going into each process and removing them manually. This means from each activity, task, and note. If you have a number of processes where a system appears in, this is a signifi...
Guest over 3 years ago in General 1 Open for voting