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Nintex Process Manager (formerly Promapp)

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Add upload button to Action completion tab.

We are currently not able to upload files to Promapp in the actions tab.We can select a file, but the upload file button is not displayed. If you need to upload multiple files against your action clicking the complete button completes the action a...
Guest about 2 months ago in Improvement Management 0

Reduce the headers and footers to maximise the editing panel for small screens

When working on a laptop screen (14") the panel for editing a procedure is taken up by the activity header (name, roles, add buttons etc) and a footer (save, view map buttons) leaving only 6 lines of text to 'operate' within. This makes moving ste...
Guest over 1 year ago in Navigation, Search & Filtering / Process Creation & Editing 0 Open for voting

Ability to expand size of task element in a Process Model

It would be great if we have the ability to expand / reduce the size of a task when using the "Create Task" element on the canvas. Oftentimes the text entered within the box exceeds the standard size so it makes it difficult to read.
Michelle Kim 9 months ago in Process Modeling 0 Open for voting

Have the tool bar (Summary, Feeback, Change Log etc. tabs) visible on the Procedure Tab

When a process has both "Map and Procedure" enable, the toolbar which has the (Summary, Feedback, Change Log, Documents,Targets, Systems, Tag and @Todo) tabs are only visible on the Map view. However when the process only has "Procedure" view enab...
Guest over 3 years ago in Navigation, Search & Filtering 1 Open for voting

Trigger email sent to owner/experts of dependancies/inputs/outputs when a change to the process occurs

When a change is made to a process a trigger email should be sent to any Dependancies/Inputs/Outputs process process owners/experts to see if the change effects their process - this would allow end to end thinking and visibility of changes
Guest over 5 years ago in General 2 Not Planned

Unsolved Feedback Alert

Add a notification bubble on the Feedback button to clearly show that there has been feedback left but remains unresolved. Right now, the user has to know to open the Feedback pane and scroll through.
Guest over 1 year ago in Process Feedback 1 Open for voting

Ability to update users profiles and roles using an identity connector such as Active Directory

Promapp has no true AD connection even with SSO. Using the AD connector and a Promapp connector, be able to set Promapp roles and global variations in a dynamic was. so that when new people get hired they can be automatically provisioned in PROMAPP
Guest almost 6 years ago in General 12 Planned

Remove linked processes that I'm an owner of from my 'Processes I'm in list'

We've recently discovered that a process will appear in your 'Processes I'm in' list if you're a process owner of a process that is linked within it. We've even had an example where a process is appearing in someone's 'Processes I'm in' list becau...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Navigation, Search & Filtering 1 Open for voting

User Management - add roles search functionality

It would be very useful in the Manage Users screen when editing a User to add a Role to be able to have a search function for the role. In a large organisation this came be time consuming to currently scroll through the whole list of roles to find...
Guest 5 months ago in User Management 0 Open for voting

Creating New Users and Assigning Group Rights

When creating new users we should be able to manage their group access rights in the same window. Going to the Manage Groups section after creating new users takes up way too much time and is often forgotten.
Guest over 2 years ago in User Management 1 Under Review