Add Option to Restrict Access to "Roles" to ProMasters Only
As there is potential for sensitive information to be included in the Roles section (i.e. Annual Salaries), it would be useful to have the option in the Configuration settings to restrict access to the Roles to ProMasters only. This way, the ProMa...
Allow a translate function for Promapp and Minimode to ensure all Team members can view the process - Culturally our team member's first language isn't necessarily English and giving these teams the ability to view Processes in their first languag...
Allow PO/PE to respond to feedback by replying to email directly, instead of having to go into Promapp site
Currently the system automatically emails Process Owners and Process Experts when a piece of feedback is received against a process.
It would be much easier for the users to respond to feedback if they did not need to open up Promapp and if inste...
Please consider better reporting for the Glossary. We have created a PowerBi dashboard in which we track usage data. It would be great if we could also see usage data for the Glossary, including what terms are being looked at, when and by who.
As a Training Supervisor I would like to print all Training records for a whole Training Unit so that I don't have to take a screen shot, or manually obtain the data.
Add ability to remove the arrows from the Process Manager’s Overview page between processes or process groups
The arrows between processes and process groups give the impression that the processes always follow each other in a certain order. Still, sometimes the processes are disconnected and we would also like to show this in the overview.
over 1 year ago
in Process Map
Open for voting
It would be great if Promasters were able to move bulk processes between Process Group. We encourage staff to search for processes so the Process Groups are merely for permission purposes. It would also be great if this bulk moving function didn't...