There is no existing report to identify all maps created by an individual. Business Analysts drafting process maps are not always the Expert or Owner of the process. It would be helpful to be able to quickly identify all processes drafted by an in...
about 2 months ago
in Reporting
Open for voting
Currently, Timescales roll up to the next available measuring unit if it is exceeded (e.g. 60mins -> 1 Hour, 5 working days -> 1 week, etc...). As a business, we show all our SLAs as working days, so we would like the option to choose the de...
about 2 months ago
in Process Map
Open for voting
Poor feedback loop/silent failure when process is updated/changed
When a user makes a change to a process, they click save and publish and do not receive any indication that there action has been successful nor does the version number update. This leaves the user uncertain as to whether their action has been suc...
Bring back the ability to edit documents from Search
In the most recent Proces Manager Update 4.11.19, the team have r emoved the ability to edit documents directly within search results. This has massively reduced the ease of use of the platform, as Document editors and document owners now need to ...
Document process group selection needs to be clear
Since the recent update to Process Manager a number of issues have arisen. One of these is an issue that occurs when attempting to select the process group that a document sits within. When you attempt to select a process group it appears to just ...
When working in fields like the Background, Summary, or with Notes (maybe Tasks), Process Manager should support rich text options: Bold Italics Underline Strike through Font size Font color Font selection Bullet list Number list Indent / Outdent ...
The possibility to attached files to the feedback session, this will allow us to provide a clearer instruction on the changes or areas of opportunities found in the mapping
We create processes during training that serve no purpose after the training session. It can take a long time to search for these and archive/delete them one by one. It would be a lot quicker if this could be done in bulk, by searching for process...
My Dashboard - Improvements - Don't show closed reports
Under My Dashboard where the improvements module items are shown (ours is called "Hazards, Incidents"), closed out reports are currently being displayed for users. This is creating a lot of clutter and causing things to be missed. I recommend chan...