Feedback on 10th December Update moving info to Process Attributes dropdown
Re release - December 10 2024. The Change Log now only displays about 3 items, previously it displayed up to 20, this has created a LOT more work when trying to find an item in the change log. Previously we could also search in the change...
Process reviews with "Enable explicit process reviews - OFF" - no reviewed button
We have chosen to use the "Enable explicit process reviews - OFF" option so that our processes automatically change the review date to 24mths (our chosen period) from the last PUBLISHED date. However, the "reviewed it" button is then no longer ava...
When you go to a report of processes from the graphical dashboard, it displays processes for the group that was selected. This group isn't defaulted in the filter, so if a user clicks to show owner and expert/version/etc. it then refreshes on the ...
Currently Processes can be archived, but Roles can't. Roles that are only associated with archived processes cannot be deleted so remain available to be allocated to user profiles. Roles that are only associated with archived processes should also...
about 2 months ago
in User Management
Open for voting
Highlight item to be edited (when hovering over pencil or delete)
This occurred to a staff member editing a processing today. As the Edit button / Bin icon is positioned to the far right on screen, it was difficult to determine what was being edited. In this situation, staff member wanted to delete some images a...
Currently, the username "Logon" is the only unique identifier while user Email is not, which caused emails duplicates. We would like to have user Emails as unique identifier as well to avoid any duplicate issues.
about 2 months ago
in User Management
Open for voting
While there is some basic customization - addition of logo and an image, we would like to be able to customise the front page to better reflect how an organisation uses the system rather than be constrained by the fields and buttons that come out ...
Some of our users have indicated it would be useful to have further options included in relation to in-process feedback status to help manage and monitor status progression , such as something like , in review , deferrred , and Resolved
Option to have Process Model Element Properties Panel not open when clicking on the canvas
It would be useful if when clicking on the Process Model Elements on the canvas to not have the Properties Side Panel, as it takes a significant amount of space on the screen. Ideally something like a toggle (like the Edit toggle) for each user to...
Evgenios Efthymiou
17 days ago
in Process Modeling
Open for voting