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Showing 1063 of 1063

Add user view for promasters

Promasters are usually also users of the product. Our dashboard is cluttered up with notifications about processes we have nothing to do with in our business role. Add a view option so we can work as a standard user and switch to an admin view whe...
Guest about 2 years ago in Navigation, Search & Filtering / User Management 5 Open for voting

User Preference for Summary open by default

Now that the Process Attributes have moved to a drop down, there's an additional button click to identify who the process owner and expert are. It would be great if there was a way for the user to define if the Process Summary panel should be open...
Jonathan Butler 5 months ago in Process Map 1 Started

PII masking

ability to mask sensitive information in screenshots captured by the tool. example attached.
Andrea O'Hara 3 months ago in Process Capture 1 Open for voting
125 VOTE

Delegation of Process Responsibilities

There is no way to delegate your approvals when going on annual leave. There is the capability to bulk transfer Process Experts or Process Ownership but updating Additional Approver and Publishers has to be updated by each individual Process
Guest almost 6 years ago in General 7 Under Review

Move Process Models from one group to another

Allow for Process Models to be moved from one Process Group to another, without having to export and re-import the model
Evgenios Efthymiou 7 months ago in Process Modeling 0 Planned

Language support: Portuguese

Support Portuguese for localisation in Process Manager
Evgenios Efthymiou about 2 months ago in Localization 0 Open for voting

mass change process review date by excel without approval process

the problem is changing the review date for many processes at the same time. Currently the process is manual and the promaster has to manually check each process (in my case over 150) and change the date and then each of the process owners has to ...
Guest 2 months ago in Process Review & Approval 0 Open for voting

Make filling in Inputs/Outputs mandatory

A lot of the time processes are published without any Input/Triggers and Outputs/Targets being specified. The Promaster should be able to enforce that (e.g. through an admin setting) for at least 1 Input and at least 1 Output to be specified for a...
Evgenios Efthymiou 5 months ago in Process Creation & Editing 2 Open for voting

Turn off the "What's new" pop up for Users

'What's new' section is confusing for Users. It encourages everyone to read the updates. Some of the functionality we don't use and some of it we aren't licenced for. I request to have control to turn off 'What's new' completely (or even just the ...
Guest 22 days ago in General 1 Already Exists

Process model printing in PDF

Sometimes it's helpful to print out a process model on paper in order to facilitate a review. For this reason it would be helpful if Process Manager allowed printing of Process Models in PDF, which can then be printed accordingly. Specifically, th...
Evgenios Efthymiou 6 months ago in Process Modeling 0 Open for voting