We notice that staff rarely look at the inputs and outputs because in the map view it doesn't show what the specific input/output is, and in the procedure view the input is listed at the end of the process activities. Therefore our inputs/trigger ...
about 4 years ago
in Process Map
Open for voting
In the acutal preview checklists are generated for process activites.
A helpul feature for the user would be checks for tasks. That way he can save his progress once he began to work at an activity.
Promapp's 20-variation limit per process is restrictive for our organization with multiple subsidiaries. We need an increase to better capture our diverse processes and align with our organizational structure.
On the My Risk dashboard view, the treatment owners can only see their treatment and not the full risk detail. Some have the ability to click through to the details on the risk register which is helpful (if they have access) but they cannot sign o...
Allow manual confirmation of system and acronym tagging
This would be useful to avoid situations where the wrong words or phrases are being tagged as an acronym or system. We have acronyms for words like IT, OR, SEND, IF and they're flagging all lowercase instances of the word where it should not be. I...
Ability to Highlight in a process where Training is required to carry out activities in the case of responsibility type roles
It would be useful to highlight through processes in the case of Responsibility Roles , where training is required to carry out certain activities . The value would be to improve oversight of responsibility type roles in terms of process involveme...
Improving the automatic dashboard notification email
Would we improve the look and feel of the automatic dashboard notifications include:- Allowing us to customise the messages which appears - Extend the hyperlink in the email to either the entire box or also the number in the coloured, not just the...
Allow the Process map to be in portrait mode when export to PDF
When printing the procedure to PDF, Can we have an option for the process map to be either portrait or landscape. If portrait orientation was selected, the process map would scale to fit the page, making it more user/reader friendly.
over 2 years ago
in Process Map
Open for voting
Can you look to improve the notifications for training modules to send emails to trainees and supervisors when training is overdue. It would also be helpful if a report could be generated. This would help Managers monitor new employees onboarding ...