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Review all images and documents attached to a process under the process review, rather than separately

With hundreds of processes requiring review that include 10 or more screenshots or videos (images) it is painfully time consuming going through each item individually for each process. As these images also require a review it creates hundreds of i...
Guest over 5 years ago in General 15 Open for voting

Include process approval data in Reporting API

Right now there is no way to report on process approvals. This is critical for process improvement and tracking.
Jonathan Butler 4 months ago in APIs / Process Feedback / Reporting 0 Planned

Process feedback option to include links / screenshots

One aspect of the feedback process that staff find frustrating is the lack of a link to the page the user was on and the inability to include screenshots when submitting feedback. This makes it difficult to identify the context when the response c...
Guest 3 months ago in Process Feedback 0 Open for voting

Bulk delete of documents

It would be great to bulk delete documents. Over time a number of documents have been uploaded and are no longer or were never attached to processes. We would like to be able to bulk delete any unattached processes that have not been viewed in 12 ...
Guest over 4 years ago in Documents 4 Planned

Include ability to do text formatting within tasks and notes (text editor)

This request has come up time and time again and pertains to procedure view rather than map view. There are times we'd like to call special attention to viewer to some section(s) and currently it's quite challenging.
Guest over 5 years ago in General 11 Open for voting

Next Button on Map Activities

When using the 'Map' screen to work through a process you currently have to click on a step and then a pop-up window appears with the details of the given step. If I want to proceed with the next step it seems I have to close down the pop-up windo...
Guest 6 months ago in Process Map 0 Open for voting

Ability to move opened document images when in Procedure View

Hi - small enhancement if feasible. From the persona of the Promaster, or reader of a process in Procedure view, it would be great to have ability to move around an image you have opened up in an Activity so that you can see the image and the task...
Guest over 4 years ago in Documents 7 Open for voting

Email notifications in Training Module

Training Module - to allow staff, owners and supervisors to more effectively and in a more timely manner be informed of manage training it would be very beneficial for the module to have email notifications sent at each step in the workflow. Addit...
Guest 10 months ago in Dashboard & Notifications / Integrated Training Management 0 Open for voting

Mass transfer of @TODO (eg. when someone leaves the company)

When you transfer Ownership (Owner/Expert) of a process, you should also get the option to transfer any @TODO within that process that are assigned to the same person. OR Facility to transfer @TODO that are assigned to a particular person on mass.
Guest over 5 years ago in General 9 Under Review

Spell check

Would like to see a spell check, if you have a specific word that you want to be spelled (and/or capitalized) a specific way in all processes, that you could preset some of those consistent words/systems that are personalized for your company.
Guest 3 months ago in Process Creation & Editing 0 Open for voting