Group conditional processes - being able to show if it is input/output
Currently when you add a conditional process it shows it is a two way flow in and out of the process. Would be good if you could specify if it was an input / output or both.
over 1 year ago
in Process Map
Open for voting
Tracked Changes when multiple individuals edit a process
Problem : When multiple Process Editors amend a process, the editors as well as the approvers have no visibility of who has changed which section of a process. This hinders collaboration between process editors. If multiple Process Editors are col...
When we have archived all documents and processes within a group and an empty group remains, we are unable to delete or archive the group due to the content connected to it in the archive. We would like to have an ability to archive a group where ...
about 4 years ago
in General
Open for voting
Currently, in the Summary menu, only the names of the Process Owner and Process Expert are shown. It would be useful if their roles are also listed against their names, so users can understand in what capacity they are the Owner and Expert.
It can be difficult in large organisations to manage Roles so we would like to propose the following improvements to help deal with frequest staff changes:1. have the ability to run a report showing historical role changes (e.g. if we reported on ...