Add "Filter by Team & Location" Option to Onboarding Plans list
It would be useful to be able to filter the list of Onboarding Plans by Team/Location, as is currently available on the Training Units and Competency Units Tabs. This will allow supervisors to see the Onboarding Plans for all of their team regardl...
As a partner running health checks for customers, one of the things we report on is the health of their process group structure. Only being able to identify groups that have processes in them using reports provides a gap in our knowledge that has ...
over 1 year ago
in Reporting
Open for voting
The email message sent out when a process/policy needs to be acknowledged is generic to process and rather unofficial. Our legal/compliance team wants to use the acknowledgement function. Since the message is inadequate, they will likely pursue an...
Add a Search option in My Review process list on Dashboard Or include a Review button in overdue process maps
The Promasters can see all the processes and documents that need to be Reviewed but if the Promaster wants to search for a process they are the Owner or Expert, they have to scroll down the full list of processes to find it and then review it. If ...
Decisions stop rest of the checklist from displaying
When creating a checklist, it is not possible to view activities past a Decision. This means it is not possible to assign any activities post Decision at creation, which is quite a pain
Not really a feature but more highlighting a current issue we are experiencing (but was asked to post it here by Nintex Support). Currently Promapp has Autocomplete enabled on the site, so whenever a user tries to create a new process the 'Process...
over 4 years ago
in General
Open for voting