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Showing 1046 of 1046

Process Changes not Yet Viewed by User report

Hi, I generate the Process Changes not Yet Viewed by User report every month to monitor compliance within the business. I have just found out that Nintex has changed the report and now it can only be generated for one role at a time, not for all r...
Guest about 4 years ago in Process Variations 2 Open for voting

Email notifications

Be able to configure when emails should be sent and to who (Owner, Exert, Approver, Publisher, Stakeholder) when certain events take place.For Example1. Review date approaching and/or past2. Approve Request3. Feedback4. Changes to a published proc...
Guest over 2 years ago in Dashboard & Notifications 1 Open for voting

Enable dashboard notifications & emails when an incident owner is changed

Please see all details in the word attachment including our business workflow. I have had a call with Tanzim as it was initially thought there is a workaround for this but there is not.
Guest about 4 years ago in Improvement Management 1 Not Planned

Allow roles to be assigned to responsiblities

If I have a responsibility called Website Administrator who will be assigned to Manager of Media, Manager of Governance and Manager of IT then I would like to assign the roles to the responsibility rather than the names. Then who ever is assigned ...
Guest over 5 years ago in  3 Open for voting

Change Dashboard Column heading from 'out of date processes' to 'Processes overdue for review'

The Governance page of the Dashboard shows the process statistics for the organisation in 6 columns. The 3rd column is titled "OUT OF DATE PROCESSES". It would be more accurate to title this column "PROCESSES OVERDUE FOR REVIEW". The processes hav...
Guest over 3 years ago in General 3 Open for voting

Import BPMN file first, create Process Model second

Today you have to first create the Process Model record before importing a BPMN diagram. I would like to have the capability rather than just "create a model" to "import & create a model". That way my version 0.1 is the imported model rather t...
Evgenios Efthymiou 8 months ago in Process Modeling 1 Open for voting

Filtering or Search Function in My Dashboard>My Changes>Processes for Approval/Publishing

With Promaster access, there can be a large volume of processes in these fields. By being able to search or filter it would make it easier to find processes that require quick attention. Personally, I'm managing a group within the business as we...
Guest over 5 years ago in  2 Not Planned

Add Additional approvers into Ownership/Rights

Currently there is only functionality to tranfer to another user owner/expert rights - additional approver rights needs to be picked up in this function
Guest over 5 years ago in  1 Planned

Customise reference number field

We would like to request a feature enhancement to allow customisable text to appear inside the reference number box informing end users what data should be added to the field. Currently, the text that appears is "A unique reference number (optiona...
Guest 8 months ago in Process Creation & Editing 0 Open for voting

accessibility improvement for colour blindness

It has been brought to my attention, by a colleague who is colour blind, that they have struggled with the colours used in Promapp. I would like to request appropriate changes to improve accessibility for colour blindness. Below are some articles ...
Guest about 4 years ago in General 2 Planned